Steve Soto - Tattoo Artist Shirt Series
The oldest son of Mexican immigrant parents, Steve Soto is a tattoo artist born and raised in Orange County, California. His parents had settled in Southern California and began the brutal struggle of laboring to give their children a chance to live a prosperous life. Due his parent’s social-economic status, Steve understood early on that he would have to write his own ticket, as they say, or better said, draw his way down the path called the American Dream.
Steve started drawing at a very young age- as soon as he could hold a pencil in his hand. While in college, Steve became interested in tattooing, he knew he found his canvas. After many failed attempts to secure an apprenticeship, he apprenticed under tattoo artist Billy Dyson. After many ups and downs, Steve opened his own studio in Orange County California. Steve specializes in black and gray with influences of Chicano culture.
Since 2001 Steve has traveled nationwide attending tattoo shows and competitions. His tattoo art has won hundreds of national awards at some of the most prestigious American Tattoo shows. Among some of the most notable awards are: First place for “Portrait Black and Gray” (Ink ‘N’ Iron, Long Beach, CA, 2006), multiple first place awards, and two “Best of Show” awards (Hell City Tattoo Festival, 2007-2011). Steve has also been featured in many local and international art and tattoo magazines.
Steve can be found at his own shop, Goodfellas Tattoo Art and Design Studio, in Orange, California.
Sullen Art Collective has partnered with Tattoo Artist Steve Soto to create his own custom Sullen Tees. You can view and shop for them here, we ship worldwide.
You can check out Steve Soto in our Under the Skin series from SullenTV.